In such cases, you can use TransMac to burn the DMG file for Mac OS X (whatever version you want to install on your broken Mac) to a USB drive and do the installation that way. Download the installer as normal from the app store. So start by opening Terminal.app and pasting in the following (don’t worry, we’ll. You are going to need to see some hidden files for this. How to: Create a bootable OS X Mavericks USB Flash Drive from original App Store package. Mavericks 10.9 with AMD & Intel Support - USB & ISO Install Mac OS X Mavericks on PC with Niresh Mavericks aka Mavericks Zone, to Install this you dont need access to a Mac This release can be used with AMD processors too Read Guide before starting any proc. This update made a number of changes to the operating system and fixed out some issues on the. The OS X Mavericks download version 10.9.1 released in December 2013 after two months from releasing the OS X Mavericks original version. It was the most powerful operating system in 2013 for Macintosh computers. With a.dmg in UDF you can mount a DVD image and then play it directly using DVD Player.OS X Mavericks download is the 9th major release of the Mac OS X versions history.

IMG is Apple's old disk image format, which transitioned into DMG with Mac OS X. The one we've shown here is called dmg2img, and it can be run from the command line to convert one format to the other.