Free unlimited access to which provides advisors, like you, with comprehensive coverage of the products, services and trends necessary to guide your clients in making critical wealth, health and life decisions. Choose the one particular that greatest explains you. Driver Amiable Analytical Expressive Test Printable. A is amiable, b is expressive, c is analytical and d is driver. A is analytical, b is driver, c is amiable and d is expressive. Don’t miss crucial news and insights you need to make informed investment advisory decisions. A is driver, b is amiable, c is analytical and d is expressive. For more information and tips from Jonathan, visit, or go to his blog at.

Technical directors are almost always Analyticals.And in sales, the top 5 percent of sales professionals are normally Drivers sales professionals in general are typically Expressives, and salespeople at the beginning of their careers are almost always Amiables.Learn to recognize these types so you will know how to best relate to your next prospect.Sign up for The Lead and in your inbox every day! More tips.Jonathan Farrington is a globally recognized business coach, mentor, author, consultant and chairman of The JF Corporation and CEO of Top Sales Associates.

Marketing directors are also Expressives.